The I AM Presence
The I AM Presence is the real you. It exists in a higher realm as a God conscious being that sends a ray of light down into lower bodies, each of which vibrates at its own frequency. It animates two main lower bodies, the Christ Self (soul) and the human self, shown by the physical self at the bottom of the picture. These bodies correspond to the Tibetan Buddhist terms: Nirmanakaya (bottom figure) Sambhogakaya (middle figure), and Dharmakaya (upper figure) - the God Self or I AM Presence.
"I AM" is the expression of individual God consciousness as it emerges from the ocean of awareness into the world of appearances. It is God in action. Observe your in-breath and out-breath to still the mind. Then meditate on the origin of "I" and remember your true being....Then think or say "I am..." to manifest God in action.
Ascension takes place when all human lessons have been learned and the lower bodies merge into the upper body of the God Self.
"I AM" is the expression of individual God consciousness as it emerges from the ocean of awareness into the world of appearances. It is God in action. Observe your in-breath and out-breath to still the mind. Then meditate on the origin of "I" and remember your true being....Then think or say "I am..." to manifest God in action.
Ascension takes place when all human lessons have been learned and the lower bodies merge into the upper body of the God Self.
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