I AM Teachings of Saint Germain as Given to Peter Mt. Shasta
What are the I AM Teachings?
All beings want happiness. In youth we tend to seek happiness in material sensations, abundance, and ego driven goals that enhance self-image, or we seek happiness in relationship and family that often also produce suffering. Eventually we wonder, “How can I achieve lasting happiness?”
On this quest for lasting happiness we seek what is eternal, what transcends death. Throughout history, there have been those who discovered what lies beyond this “undiscovered country.” They are the great saints, sages, and masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Padmasambhava, Lao Tzu, and Saint Germain, who not only attained liberation, but who often remained on earth to help others. They had learned whatever lessons they wanted, so at the end of their lives they ascended into a world of higher frequency. They are known today as Ascended Masters.
To attain this yourself, find the source of the concept, “I.” Meditate on “Who am I?” As you find this unlimited Self, you find you can bring this Presence into action by the words, “I AM.” You can use I AM Affirmations to become a conscious Master.
The I AM teachings give a method of attaining this liberation, of achieving self-mastery so you can help others achieve the same. Through intensification of one’s own light, combined with the desire to serve others, one becomes a Master—eventually, an Ascended Master. It is not complicated but requires dedicated application. The purpose of these teachings are to help those on this path to Mastery.
On this quest for lasting happiness we seek what is eternal, what transcends death. Throughout history, there have been those who discovered what lies beyond this “undiscovered country.” They are the great saints, sages, and masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Padmasambhava, Lao Tzu, and Saint Germain, who not only attained liberation, but who often remained on earth to help others. They had learned whatever lessons they wanted, so at the end of their lives they ascended into a world of higher frequency. They are known today as Ascended Masters.
To attain this yourself, find the source of the concept, “I.” Meditate on “Who am I?” As you find this unlimited Self, you find you can bring this Presence into action by the words, “I AM.” You can use I AM Affirmations to become a conscious Master.
The I AM teachings give a method of attaining this liberation, of achieving self-mastery so you can help others achieve the same. Through intensification of one’s own light, combined with the desire to serve others, one becomes a Master—eventually, an Ascended Master. It is not complicated but requires dedicated application. The purpose of these teachings are to help those on this path to Mastery.
소개 - https://iamteachingskorea.com
ICH BIN Lehre der Aufgestiegenen Meister-https://www.ich-bin-lehre.com/
ICH BIN Lehre der Aufgestiegenen Meister-https://www.ich-bin-lehre.com/
A Warning from Saint Germain!
"I say to you—and bear it well in your Consciousness—every nation, every government
that does not serve the Light, that will not recognize a power greater than itself, that
refuses to give Liberty and Love to its people, that nation shall perish! Every one!
The most powerful will destroy those less powerful; then the powerful will destroy
one another, until finally humanity will learn again what they once learned thousands
of years ago, that God alone is Great, that Light is Eternal, and that Love alone is real."
From Step by Step, Ascended Master Discourses, Chapter 18. Download here.
Or order paperback and Kindle here.
that does not serve the Light, that will not recognize a power greater than itself, that
refuses to give Liberty and Love to its people, that nation shall perish! Every one!
The most powerful will destroy those less powerful; then the powerful will destroy
one another, until finally humanity will learn again what they once learned thousands
of years ago, that God alone is Great, that Light is Eternal, and that Love alone is real."
From Step by Step, Ascended Master Discourses, Chapter 18. Download here.
Or order paperback and Kindle here.
Latest Publication: Contains 12 Methods of meditation to foster enlightenment and Mastery.
Enlightenment is only one step on the spiritual path, the next step being Mastery in the world. Most paths focus only on attaining God realization and leaving the Earth plane. You came into embodiment to learn more than how to get out of here, but to learn compassion and Mastery. Following the advice of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, Peter Mt. Shasta has incorporated teachings of Tibet and India into the I AM teachings given to Godfre Ray King in the 1930s. This shifts the focus from the mind to the heart, where the sacred flame of God is anchored. It is in learning to find and call forth that I AM Presence that one becomes Master. This book is composed mainly of talks the author gave live online, including many I AM Affirmations for use in daily life, also meditation instructions for use at different points on the spiritual path. Contains a brief history of the origin of the concept "I AM," and how this and other sacred teachings were brought to the West. Click here to order Paperback and Kindle copies |

Latest book on the tantric practice of Violet Tara:
Continues the teachings begun in I AM the Violet Tara, Goddess of Forgiveness and Freedom.
Composed from Violet Tara webinars given by Peter Mt. Shasta, including new meditations, Q & A, and personal experiences with Violet Tara shared by members of the Violet Tara Facebook Group. This takes the tantric teachings to the next level.
Click here to order paperback or Kindle.
New Teachings

It Is What It Is: Further Adventures of a Western Mystic
#1 Best-Seller on Kindle in Spirituality and Mysticism
It Is What It Is: Further Adventures of a Western Mystic tells of Peter Mt. Shasta's further adventures on the path of self-knowledge and self-mastery. An autobiographical account similar to his two earlier books, Adventures of a Western Mystic Books I & II.
"An absolute treasure and completely life changing.... Your utter devotion and work with the Ascended Masters...has proven to be among my very greatest blessings."
- G. Stevens
"My favorite book of yours...one that I want to give to my family and friends." - J. Collings

I AM the Violet Tara: Goddess of Forgiveness and Freedom
#1 Best-Seller on Kindle in Goddesses
I AM the Violet Tara: Goddess of Forgiveness and Freedom contains the condensed tantric mind teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, but phrased in modern terms that are easy to understand and practice by the Western practitioner. If you wanted to go on a meditation retreat, this would be the book to take with you. The practices are clear, short, and easy to apply in daily life.
"OMG! Wow, instructions for managing this time of chaos!" - Cameron C. Dubes
"The clarity and simplicity with which Peter gives profound, complex teachings makes the practice very approachable. Peter not only makes these deep concepts understandable but also lovingly guides us through it. So thankful for this book." - R. Naik
Click here to order paperback and Kindle editions
Buddha at the Gas Pump Rick Archer interviews Peter Mt. Shasta, March 21, 2020 Peter talks about his early life in New York City and spiritual awakening through yoga, the call to India, experiences with Ram Dass, Neem Karoli Baba, Anandamayi Ma, and finally his physical plane meeting with Saint Germain in Muir Woods, California. He goes on to talk about some UFO experiences and how we can maintain a positive attitude in light of recent planetary events. He also discusses his recent book, I AM the Violet Tara. |
This work is supported by the Church of the Seven Rays. Donations are gratefully appreciated.
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